Friday, February 19, 2016

New blog title

No you are not imagining things, I have changed the blog title from "Adventures in Creativity" to "Adventures with Fiber Arts and an Odd Neighbor."  The web address is the same.

Why?  Well that is because I have decided to start telling about my adventures of living next door to my lovely neighbor I will refer to Dodo Brain.  No, I am not making fun of him.  He just does things that prove that one can exist without common sense.

Dodo Brain does make life interesting.  You never know what will happen next.  He somehow does what he does, and has not harmed the property or any of us living here.  He does come in handy, yet does get annoying at times.

Kitting tips will appear on posts regarding knitting.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Yes it has been a while

It has been a crazy year.  Those who know me know it has been one of those off the wall years.  Knitting has kept me going and from loosing it.  I took the 2015 projects part off the side as it was just getting long and too hard to keep track of.  Will figure out how to add progress bars for projects in progress.  I have gone through just about 5 miles of yarn this year. With more projects to go by Christmas.   

Knitting Tip:  Those little plastic domed containers that cherry or grape tomatoes come in are great for holding yarn for your current project.  They separate in half.  pop your yarn in.  Nice big hole at the to to for the yarn to come out and little holes for our needles to be held in.  If you are working with little scrap balls, you can put multiple ones in and thread their tails out either the top or the little holes and tape them down until you need them.  

Monday, August 10, 2015

What a past few months

If you told me three months ago I would have lost my roommate,  had a medically ordered few days off from knitting, ended up with no cats, and moved I would have looked at you like you had lost your everloving mind.  Well here we are three months later and guess what?  I have lost my roommate and I have moved!

R went in the hospital at the end of April and died about a week into May.  While she was in the hospital one of her cats wanted to be held.  It spazzed while I was holding it and I got scratched and bit.  I ended up in the ER as I ended up with an infection even though I did immediate first aid.  There came the medically ordered few days off from knitting.  The infection was in a finger.  Thanks cat.

R never made it out of the hospital.  She passed shortly into May.  I moved about two months later.    Needless to say it has been a crazy few months.  Thanks to a wonderful group of family and friends I have gotten through all of this and on to a new chapter of my life and looking forward to it all.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Been a Long Time

Yes it's been a while since I posted.  It's been a hectic couple months that I won't get into.  A lot of knitting has gotten done in that time.  I've gotten through over 2.6 miles of yarn since the start of the year.  The most challenging project of the year so far has been the Faberge Shawl.  It is well worth the challenge though.  It may get done again, but I have plenty of projects to keep me buy for a while.

Tip:  Keep dental floss threaders around.  They come in handy for more than their intended use.  if you are pre-stringing beads, they are better than beading needles.  They can also help weave in ends with delicate yarns too.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Faberge Shawl amongst other things

Still knitting away here.  Recently finished the Faberge Shawl.  Also have done 3 ruffle scarves and starting another Wingspan.    I have been helping one of the people at my local knitting group learn to knit and naturally answering others questions.  I have decided to try and add a tip or technique that I share at knitting group in my blog posts.

Tip:  My most used book for knitting is The Knitting Answer Book:  Solutions to Every Problem You'll Ever Face; Answers to Every Question You'll Ever Ask.  It is apparently in it's 2nd edition.  There is a Crochet version of this book also in it's 2nd edition.  There is also a Sewing and Quilting version.  I know noting about the 2nd editions nor the sewing and Quilting versions.  The Knitting and Crochet (1st editions) ones I absolutely love and refer to them so often. 

Project Pics (Photo Heavy)

Below are pics of some recently completed projects.  Of course they are all on Ravelry and in my list on the side. 

Owl Mitts for Cousin (Upside down)

Jeweled Cowl

Blue Ruffle Scarf

Faberge Cowl

Faberge Shawl (Pre-blocking)

Owl Mitts for Me (Upsidedown)

Neutral Ruffle Scarf

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Knitting away

I have been knitting away. So far this year I have gone through 1870 yards (1.0625 miles) of yarn knitting.  That is not including the projects started and not finished yet.  There are 17 projects done.  Three of which are crocheted (small).  Those were another (81.5 yards).

One project is up for frogging consideration, with another pattern in mind, but not sure yet.  One project (Wingspan) I'll definitely be making again and again.  Good thing I like the pattern. 

A Christmas gift is done already. I made something, discovered it's too small and didn't want to frog.  Decided it could be a Christmas gift and I could do it again modified.  That spurred the idea to make another pair (3rd) for another person.  The 3rd pair still had to be done.  A second Christmas gift could have been done, but I decided to give it to it's recipient.     

So at the moment I have a Faberge cowl, Handspun Diagonal Lace scarf, lava lace scarf, and pair of socks on the needles.  The cowl is being done without beads.  I'm liking it without at least for this color and yarn.  Will do this one again too.  It's good as I paid for the pattern as well as Wingspan.  I hate buying a pattern and not wanting to do it again. 

I now want to find a vintage pattern.  Hoping for no older than a certain age.  To set to work on a special little project.  At least that's my idea at the moment. 

The quilt hasn't had much work done recently.  The top is about 1/2 the size I want it to be.


Eventually I will get other photos up.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Think I'm done with Christmas Knitting

Well, I think the Christmas knitting for the family is definitely done.  Once a sock (naturally the second in the pair) is done that I was commissioned to do all the Christmas knitting is done.  This has opened up time to work on other projects that I have wanted to work on.

I got some beautiful 100% Mink yarn at Driftwood Yarns in Mystic.  Let me say that this Lotus Yarns Mimi is divine to work with.  It is smooth, soft, and if you have to tink or frog, it doesn't make a tangled mess.   I am not one that works with thinner than sock weight yarn much, but this is one yarn that I would be more than happy to work with.  The pattern I am doing is lace so I have put in lifelines with some waste sock yarn. 

Driftwood Yarns is also an absolutely wonderful LYS.  The owner is very friendly, always willing to help, and has a great sense of humor. It is always a pleasure to go and shop or visit.

When I'm not knitting, I am sewing.  The crazy quilt is growing, slowly, but surely.  Today it was pot holders.  I got some material called Insul-Bright and decided it was time to replace the pot holders that are here at home.  Now I'm on a kick of making more.  I'll have to get some photos in the daytime and post them.  Just have to remember.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Knitting & Sewing Away

Yep, I've been knitting & sewing away.  Since the beginning of the month I've made 4 pillowcases for my Grandma for Christmas.   One of which I need to fix as looking back at, I'm not happy with part of it.

I've done the scarf for my Dad for Christmas also.  I'm working on a dishcloth set for my DAR Chapter's gift exchange next month.  Also working on a shawl and scarf that I just like as well as a Crazy Quilt.  The quilt is my first ever quilt and have decided to make it Twin sized.  I was just looking and realized I have gone through 8,491 yards of yarn just for knitting this year.  That translates into 4.82443 miles.  Wow!  And I still have things to do.  Makes me wonder what I am going through for thread in sewing.  Off to humorously ponder that little fact. :P

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Dishcloths Done!!!!

Phew!!!  Way ahead of deadline too!  Yep the dishcloths are done all 12 of them.  Well actually 15 because I already gave my recipient one and made 2 extras as I don't know if they will get used.  They are all a different pattern and color.  They all have a corresponding Tribble (scrubbie) to go with  it too.

I just have a scarf to make for my dad and I think my Christmas knitting is done.  This is way ahead of my schedule which is odd for me.  I'm doing something wrong right!  Must figure out what it is.  Now I can work on those baby socks I was asked to make a while ago yet life got in the way.

I'm off to work on a shawl that went into hibernation.  That and a crazy quilt that I am sewing.  Yep I don't just knit... I sew too (and more).  I'll take photos of the quilt sometime and post it.  My sewing machine has been getting a workout.  That sewing workshop gave me the kick in the pants to get me sewing more.